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Segmented Hypergraphics Bitmap  |  1994-01-06  |  307KB  |  620x844  |  8-bit (229 colors)
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OCR: THE MONEY RANKIN GS: EQUITY FUNDS nnual $10.00 Portfolic analyais attidsales FlvD-w FUND NAME TYP Ienlionel chorg pre]nctiar Clippor 3,475 $149.6 Nons $63 Colonll i Adhuncad Strategles Gold (5.4] 9,647 53. 5.75 157 Celonial Fund G 25.8 16,005 290.0 5.75 113 Colonial Grourth iSharas 18.757 10.8 101.2 5.76 115 ColonialSmall&tockladox S0C 19.0 10,365 0. 1.0 29.3 5.75 ColonialStrategic Diweraifiad Inooma 28.4 14,42 438.4 4.7E ColoalalU.5 Equlty Indaz 2E.] 16.0 17,743 33.5 5.75 140 ColonbalVIP Diversifiad etum 21.1 25. None 142 Columbfa Growth 295 408.0 None Calambia Speclal H 50.3 20.E JL 520 a.r 237.0 None Common 5onse Growth 38. 331.0 161 CommonSonao Growth&Income G&I 459.5 154 Compans Capital Eqaity Income 25.0 130. 3.75 Compas Capital Growrth 30.7 107 3.75 Compealto Bonde Stock 21.7 11. 14 ...